(Named Entity Recognition)

Improve accuracy in identifying entities with precision.

Custom Entities

DataNeuron supports creating domain specific entities for targeted Information Extraction. It also provides support to modify default model predictions for pre-defined entities.

Validation on Predicted Entities

Effortlessly validate predicted entities with DataNeuron's intuitive UI. Simply select or reject highlighted text, aided by contrasting colors for easy mapping. With an Active Learning approach, achieve state-of-the-art accuracy with less than 10% data validation.

Model Training & Deployment

DataNeuron streamlines the entire NLP model lifecycle, from preprocessing to deployment. It offers detailed training accuracy reports, real-time context-based predictions, and Masterlist suggestions for enhanced data preparation. Continuously manage and update the Masterlist for improved model performance and integrate prediction services seamlessly with APIs.

Custom entities

Validation on predicted entities

Model training & deployment